[geeks] Man -> paper

Mike Meredith mike at redhairy1.demon.co.uk
Sun Jan 23 15:40:13 CST 2005

On Sun, 23 Jan 2005 13:44:50 -0500, Joshua Boyd wrote:
> machine to convert to postscript.  I don't see a2ps on the Octane.  I
> don't know why.

% which a2ps

You haven't installed it :)

> Anyway, converting dump to postscript then printing on ubuntu worked,
> but all the page breaks are wrong, which is rather annoying.  But,
> there might not be anything to do about it other than edit the txt
> file by hand.

You could probably come up with something half decent by tinkering with
a2ps parameters ... choose a large enough font and the paging should
work. Probably worth printing two pages per page though.

Printing man pages in SysN (starting with II?) has been a pain since
they realised they could charge extra for the DWB (nroff, troff, dict,
style, etc.).

> > On NetBSD something like
> > groff -mdoc /usr/share/man/man1/man.1 | lpr
> > will get you there.
> Is that for a formatted or unformatted netbsd man page?

Unformatted. At least before groff formats it. Produces very decent
output and is what is used for printing the Unix reference manuals.

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