[geeks] From a local mailing list

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Tue May 3 12:14:28 CDT 2005

On Tue, 3 May 2005, Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:

>> Please state your lowest asking price, and bear in mind that today a
>> brand new "Office 2003" (which includes Word 2003 and other great
>> programs) only costs (with warranty) about $150.

"warranty"!  *cough*

Sure.  I can buy a brand new Office -upgrade- for about $200, but not a
full version.

>> Also the older Word programs (besides being inferior and outdated),

Inferior?  I suppose being lighter in heft and providing almost exactly
the same functionality is "inferior", by PC standards.

>> their discs often have developed micro-scratches and defects (even if
>> not used much) by their merely having sat on the shelf for years
>> (since the disc material itself is not designed to be durable).
>> Jerusalem area only.

Whatever.  Let the cheap bastard go to the local software shop and
order it new if he's going to be so pissy.

Jonathan Patschke  ) "It's alright for someone to sleep past noon every
Elgin, TX         (   once in a while.  That's what it means to be a
USA                )  free human being."       --Roger Smith, The Big O

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