[geeks] [rescue] Video card request

Phil Stracchino phil.stracchino at speakeasy.net
Mon Nov 28 12:47:04 CST 2005

Bill Bradford wrote:
> I might pick up Doom 3 now that it's $20.

True, there's that.

> Games I've bought lately:
> FEAR (excellent, if you have a decent video card)

I haven't heard of it.

> Far Cry ($20, and one of the best games I've played lately)

Excellent game, except I've never been able to get past the entry hall
in the volcano.  I like how sniper-friendly it is, and I like the fact
that you're limited to four weapons at a time (though Halo and Ghost
Recon have an even more realistic two-weapon limit ... I personally
think a knife should be a "free slot", but neither Halo nor GR offers
one anyway).

> Serious Sam Gold collection (old, but fun)

Never played it.

> Half-Life 2 (I still need to play it all the way through)

HL2 rocks ... the steering on the airboat is terrible, but I can live
with that.  What I DON'T like is what I've come to realize is Valve's
*habit* of snatching your final victory away at the last second.  Half
Life did it, and Half Life 2 did it.  If I've just beat the game, let me
WIN, don't play "OK, so you just won, now LEARN HOW HELPLESS YOU ARE

I probably won't buy another Valve game because of it, much though I
liked Half Life.  (And, heretical though this may be to judge by a lot
of the reviews, I LIKED the Xen sections.)

> BF1942 (haven't installed it yet, and I bought it a year ago)

Never bought it.

 Phil Stracchino       phil.stracchino at speakeasy.net
    Renaissance Man, Unix generalist, Perl hacker
 Mobile: 603-216-7037         Landline: 603-886-3518

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