[geeks] ADB to USB or ADB to PS/2 converters

velociraptor velociraptor at gmail.com
Mon Sep 12 00:41:17 CDT 2005

AFAIK, that's not the case.  A quick google turned this up in the
YDL list:


"Otherwise, running headless on a Mac is simple. However, some
machines require sensing the physical presence of a monitor through
the video connector before they will boot. I've never used the 8500
so I don't know if it needs to sense or not. But on those machines
which require it, you can wire up a dummy DB-15 connector (you only
have to connect 2 pins together) and plug it in instead of a monitor.
ADB mouse and keyboard are completely optional."

The old-world Mac servers allowed you to redirect input/output to tty
serial via OpenBoot; I don't know if the desktops have this ability or
not.  I am fairly certain that the modern desktops do not as this is
a feature touted on the server line.


On 9/11/05, Ido Dubrawsky <idubraws at dubrawsky.org> wrote:
> Hash: MD5
> I was under the impression that old-world macs (like the 7600 and the
> 8600's I have won't work headless...they had to have the ADB keyboard
> attached.  Am I mistaken?
> geeks-request at sunhelp.org wrote:
> Message: 7
> Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2005 15:53:23 -0400
> From: velociraptor <velociraptor at gmail.com>
> Subject: Re: [geeks] ADB to USB or ADB to PS/2 converters
> To: The Geeks List <geeks at sunhelp.org>
> Message-ID: <b9ce685f0509091253680a3241 at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
> On 9/8/05, Ido Dubrawsky <idubraws at dubrawsky.org> wrote:
> > I realize I can get a B&W G3 off of ePay for less than $100 (and I will
> > probably have to if I ever want to run Tiger),
> > but this is a project I've been meaning to do for quite a while. And if
> > I decide to upgrade to a G4 (although the
> > processor I bought for this thing is G4 450MHz) PowerMac then I want to
> > be able to use it with my other KVM in
> > my network core in the basement (or run it headless). Either way I need
> > something to get it to boot without completely relying on the Apple
> > keyboard. Anyone have any ideas?
>     If you do not need the console, you can just boot it without a head/
>     keyboard.
>     The other option might be ADB->PS/2->USB. ADB to PS2 was
>     fairly common, as Belkin and others had adaptors for both Macs
>     and Suns to use with their PS/2 KVMs. I don't know if this will
>     work--I was planning to try omething similar with my Sparc 20,
>     only using a Sun->PS/2->USB. I figured it was worth a test, as
>     I had all the parts.
>     Another alternative would be to put a USB card in the Mac. Macs
>     "just work" with USB keyboards and mice under OS X (even with
>     USB keyboards designed for PCs, though any odd-ball keys
>     obviously will not work).
>     Likewise, my MacAlly Mac USB keyboard works fine on my PC
>     through a USB KVM..
>     =Nadine=
> - --
> Ido Dubrawsky, CISSP                    E-mail: ido at dubrawsky.org
> Network Security Architect                      idubraws at siliconsec.com
> dubrawsky.org
> 500 Hermleigh Rd
> Silver Spring, MD. 20902
> (301) 651-5441 (cell)
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