[geeks] [Fwd: [IP] Red Cross needs network security tech volunteers]

Dan Duncan dand at pcisys.net
Mon Sep 12 23:31:14 CDT 2005

On Sun, 11 Sep 2005, Michael Parson wrote:
> Yeah, but even the Web apps require IE6:
> http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9231271/

Tell me about it.  Both my credit union and my credit card
company have taken major steps backwards and "updated" their
websites recently so that after literally years of working JUST
FINE with Opera, Mozilla, or Firefox they no longer do.

I attempted to pay my credit card bill today and for the first
time it doesn't work with firefox.  (Warning:  Any time you
notice the website has a new look, BE AFRAID.)  When I try
to log in to pay the bill, it tells me a "general system error
has occurred."  So I contact them to explain the error and I
get this response in email:
We have responded to the message you recently sent to Citi Cards Customer
Care. To view our response, sign-on at http://www.citicards.com, select
Contact Us from the Help/Contact Us menu, and choose View/Update Messages.

Attempts to sign in to actually READ their response just give me the
general system error page again.

Thanks a lot, morons.


#  Dan Duncan (kd4igw)  dand at pcisys.net  http://pcisys.net/~dand
# The three principal virtues of a programmer are Laziness, Impatience, and
# Hubris.  See the Camel Book for why.  (From the Perl man page)

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