[geeks] [rescue] Bad UPS II: The Sad Mac

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Wed Sep 21 15:15:00 CDT 2005

On Wed, 21 Sep 2005, Phil Stracchino wrote:

> I think this is the point at which I recommend that we all stop using
> UPS to ship breakable computer equipment.  Try FedEx Ground or DHL
> instead -- they seem to take better care of the hardware.

I've had stellar luck with FedEx Ground.  They're fast, cheap, and get
things to their destination in neither greater nor fewer pieces than
which they left their destinations.

I stopped using UPS when they drive a 1"-diameter hole through a Mac
IIfx I shipped a few years back (before the end of the last century) and
then failed to honor the insurance on it.  They claimed the machine
couldn't be worth more than $7.

Jonathan Patschke   )  "When we are young, wandering the face of the
Elgin, TX          (    earth, wondering what our dreams might be worth,
USA                 )   learning that we're only immortal--for a limited
                    (    time."                              --Neil Peart

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