[geeks] Solaris resiliency to crashing w/full root partition?

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Wed Sep 28 15:39:10 CDT 2005

velociraptor wrote:
> I'm dealing with the annual IG audit here...
> We have been dinged on / containing /var.
> Given that / is 10GB it seems kind of specious (and
> no mail, web logs elsewhere, &c), but I need some
> "expert" spin to augment my argument.
> Anyone have any references to Solaris's resiliency to
> crashing due to a full root partitions?  Googling is not
> being all that helpful. Even Sun marketing foo would
> be a start.

I had a Solaris machine with /tmp on / fill up the root partition.  The 
machine didn't crash, but a lot of applications refused to run until I 
cleaned out the /tmp directory.

Peace...  Sridhar

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