[geeks] ps, top, etc.

Dan Duncan dand at pcisys.net
Mon Apr 17 11:36:38 CDT 2006

On Mon, 17 Apr 2006, Jonathan C. Patschke wrote:
> > I have an "etc" to add to the list.
> > Does anyone have source for a utility called "monitor?"
> ftp://ftp.mesa.nl/pub/monitor/

Link just times out.

> I ran that a lot under AIX before I found the source for the one true
> top.  I don't think it runs on anything besides AIX.

I run it extensively under Tru64.  I don't know if it's the same
as the AIX version, but it gives a top-like view into network
and storage in addition to memory.


#  Dan Duncan (kd4igw)  dand at pcisys.net  http://pcisys.net/~dand
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