[geeks] Solaris 10 / OpenSolaris bits to be in next version of OSX

Patrick Giagnocavo patrick at zill.net
Mon Aug 7 18:11:21 CDT 2006

OSX feature:  Xray (part of Xcode)

Xray is a GUI-fication and integration of DTrace from Solaris 10, ported
to OS X.  Looks very neat.

OSX feature:  Time Machine
This appears to be, the integration of a nice GUI or Finder-awareness,
combined with ZFS and its snapshot functionality.

This means that ZFS is being ported to OSX and integrated.

Probably, this means that ZFS's other features will be included as well,
such as integrated software mirroring and "RAID-Z".

Whether the other cool features of ZFS will make it in terms of the way
that ZFS handles I/O loads, we can't know at this point.

I wonder if there are other bits of OpenSolaris under the hood of
Leopard ...


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