[geeks] Now for something completely geek

Dan Duncan dand at pcisys.net
Wed Aug 23 10:15:42 CDT 2006

On Tue, 22 Aug 2006, Jonathan C. Patschke wrote:
> > Cows expect to be milked at a particular time each day.  When you
> > disrupt their schedules, it reduces milk production.
> Erm, yes, but presumably this happens in the status quo, as we already
> spend a portion of the year with our clocks all wrong.  Moving the dates
> that we arbitraily decide to move our clocks on and off the correct time
> can't affect any of this in any way.

It affects when it happens, but not that it happens.  Having DST affects
that it happens.


#  Dan Duncan (kd4igw)  dand at pcisys.net  http://pcisys.net/~dand
# Error of opinion may be tolerated where reason is left free to combat it.
#     -Thomas Jefferson

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