[geeks] Princeton Univ. Surplus haul today...

sammy ominsky s at avoidant.org
Wed Aug 23 10:57:20 CDT 2006

On 23/08/2006, at 18:53, Michael Parson wrote:

>> Also, there is a bunch of software on the old 20 Gig HD (MS Office,
>> etc.) any ideas on how to transfer it to the new 100 Gig HD? I  
>> asume I
>> COULD run it off the 20 Gig HD if I made it a spare drive, correct?
> For the most part, Mac Software doesn't litter your harddrive with
> stuff, you can usually just drag and drop the files over and be set.
> Any missing preferences should get re-created the first time the app
> runs.  You might need to bring over any fonts that get installed by  
> the
> app manually (/Library/Fonts)

No, no, no.  The best way to do this is to do a clean install on the  
new drive and then at the end migrate all "your" apps from the old  
system drive, then chuck it.


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