[geeks] Subversion, two weeks of usage

Robert Brooke Gravitt gravitt at gmail.com
Sun Aug 27 11:42:57 CDT 2006

On Aug 27, 2006, at 12:15 PM, Charles Shannon Hendrix wrote:

> Welcome to Web 2.0.
> A lot of people want to move all applications to the web.
> What kills me is that doing Web 2.0 is far more difficult than just
> using cross platform GUI platforms, which the industry said was
> impossible about 15-20 years ago.

This is the truth. I have been reviewing the architecture of our last  
project, asking why this is going to be a web app. The app had to  
jump through so many hoops to work in a browser, performance was  
abysmal. It didn't scale. It didn't work in failover. It wouldn't  
play with the load balancer. Session affinity was a nightmare.  
Session timeout had to be set to an enormous max so the users  
wouldn't timeout in their workflow. I could go on and on, but my  
blood pressure rises. Some things work *great* in a browser. But for  
lots, what's the point? To say you've created a web app?


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