[geeks] CAPSoff keyboard contest

sammy ominsky s at avoidant.org
Wed Dec 20 13:43:37 CST 2006

On 20/12/2006, at 21:24, Charles Shannon Hendrix wrote:

> So far they all are pretty bizarre, and most of the layout changes  
> seem
> arbitrary.

My vote for best keyboard ever (and yes, i know that's not the  
contest) is the Gateway Anykey.  It had a very nice feel (rubber  
dome, not buckling spring, unfortunately) and was completely hardware  
programmable and remappable without drivers or software.  It had left- 
side F keys and bunches of extra buttons, including a 9-key arrow  
array (diagonals and a Space in the center).

I had three of them once upon a time, but they're too big for my  
current desk, so the one remaining one is in a box in storage.



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