[geeks] WRT54G/OpenWRT help?

velociraptor velociraptor at gmail.com
Thu Feb 2 13:46:02 CST 2006

On 2/1/06, Sridhar Ayengar <ploopster at gmail.com> wrote:
> Phil Stracchino wrote:
> > Anyone - preferably with OpenWRT experience - got any suggestions for
> > getting the thing talking again and/or finding out what it thinks its IP
> > address is?  If I can pass traffic THROUGH it, there ought to be some
> > way to get traffic TO it.
> I don't have experience with OpenWRT, but I do have *lots and lots* of
> experience with Sveasoft Talisman.  I've found that a hard reset will
> cause it to start responding back at the default IP address.  Have you
> tried that?  Hold the reset button on the back for 15-30 seconds.

There's also the pin-shorting option after you get it open.

> > Failing that, does anyone know how to get the cover of a WRT54G open to
> > access the internal serial port that I'm given to understand is there?
> > And has anyone ever built the buffered serial cable necessary to talk to
> > it via that route (it's a 3.3v serial port)?
> You just have to pop it off carefully.  You pull the top and bottom
> apart and slide it.  The plated-though holes for the serial connector
> are easy to spot.  The cable isn't that hard either.  You should be able
> to find information on its construction on the 'net.

Iirc correctly all of them require a small PCB; there was a guy selling
them, I think you may find the info on DSL reports. Or, of course, make
it yourself--there's plans out there.  I have one that is hard-bricked, and
was trying to track down the stuff to get the serial installed, but it's got
pushed off the stack due to changing jobs/moving at the time.


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