[geeks] Linux Fibre Channel and Hotplug question

Mike Meredith very at zonky.org
Tue Feb 21 11:47:28 CST 2006

On Tue, 21 Feb 2006 11:43:59 -0500, Ido Dubrawsky wrote:
> We added last week an Emulex LP1000 PCI fibre channel card into the
> The first machine created a /dev/sda device file but whenever I try to
> fdisk the disk it basically replies "Unable to read /dev/sda."  In the

Check the BIOS settings for the FC cards; there may well be a setting in
there that changes the behaviour for different connection types ...
FC-AL, Fabric, etc. I seem to recall a similar problem a good while back
that was fixed like this; could even have been an Emulex LP1000.

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