[geeks] [JuliaSacks930 at hotmail.com: [janglo] INFO4U: My Ipod Broke My Computer]

Geoffrey S. Mendelson gsm at mendelson.com
Tue Jan 17 02:12:46 CST 2006

WTF? Anyone have any idea of what she is talking about? I've been involved
with computers since the late 1960's and I can not figure out how.

To be less polite, I did get a good laugh from the idea.

I'd figure that this should end up on the hoax websites, but this
person might actually believe it.


----- Forwarded message from dlgrapeda <JuliaSacks930 at hotmail.com> -----

> Subject: [janglo] INFO4U: My Ipod Broke My Computer
> If you know anyone or if you are dealing with ipod issues (ex: 
> breaking your computer / hard drive), please contact me, Julia at:
> ipodbrokemycomputertoo at hotmail.com
> I am writing a letter to Apple Mac and filing a report with the 
> Federal Trade Comm. / Consuper Protection in Washington, D.C. 
> I am collecting names, numbers, and emails of anyone who like myself 
> delt with thier ipod breaking thier hard drive- in which I had to have 
> a new one installed.
> Please pass this info on to anyone who you can! 
> -Thanks,
> Julia

----- End forwarded message -----

Geoffrey S. Mendelson, Jerusalem, Israel gsm at mendelson.com  N3OWJ/4X1GM
IL Voice: (07)-7424-1667  IL Fax: 972-2-648-1443 U.S. Voice: 1-215-821-1838 
The trouble with being a futurist is that when people get around to believing
you, it's too late. We lost. Google 2,000,000:Hams 0. 

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