[geeks] Two interesting desktop choices - value of hardware

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at verizon.net
Wed Jan 18 10:11:17 CST 2006

Hello all,

Looking around at various desktop options, came across these two at just 
about $500 each:

$500 for a Mac G4 933 MHz, 60 Gig HD, 512 Meg RAM, DVD-R (Superdrive), 
on-board SCSI 

$500 for a Sun Sun Blade 1000 with 900 MHz USIII, 2x 9 Gig FC-AL, 1 Gig RAM, 
CD, and Elite 3D-M6 Series 2 framebuffer 

(Anysystem did have dual 750 MHz USIII Sun Blade 1000s with otherwise 
similar specifications on ebay for $499, but didn't appear to sell)

I think these are two interesting desktop choices for anyone looking for a 
"new" desktop...

Anyone have any exp./insight on the Sun Blade 1000? I've not played with an 
USIII system, and I'm tempted to call and see if I can get the previously 
offered dual 750 GHz box for the same $500...


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