[geeks] 720 Megapixel photo

wa2egp at att.net wa2egp at att.net
Tue Jul 18 16:25:04 CDT 2006

> This depends on whether "see yellow" means "have the perceptual
> experience we have agreed to call `yellow'" or "receive a light
> spectrum with a single pronounced peak in the range which is generally
> perceived as `yellow'".  The former we do; the latter we don't.

I agree the former we do.  Look at someone who is color-blind (to any
> > We get fooled by a red-green combo that stimulates the retina the
> > same way yellow does (makes reproducing colors easier).
> Well...approximately the same way.  Unless you are one of those lucky
> women who happens to be a tetrachromat, perhaps.

I didn't know there were any humans who were.  I know there are some other
organisms who have that capability.  Being male, I'm blessed with all those
potential sex-linked problems :)

> It's always annoyed me, in an abstract theoretical kind of way, that
> there probably are colours the typical (trichromat) human eye can
> perceive that cannot be reproduced on (typical) colour film or monitor.
> (I say "probably" because I haven't looked up the response curves and
> worked it out, but it seems probable to me.)
Well, potentially the eye may have a "digital" response to color (the
chemicals either react or not) but which has greater "color" resolution
(if I may use that term), the monitor or the eye, I have no clue.  My
eyes would be somehere around CGA by the way I match clothes. :)

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