[geeks] RHCE advice

Charles Shannon Hendrix shannon at widomaker.com
Tue Jul 25 13:14:19 CDT 2006

Tue, 25 Jul 2006 @ 09:28 -0400, Nadine said:

> pdf versions are direct recruiters/managers.  The head hunters want to
> be able to cut and paste your resume into their company's template.
> Frankly, many do a crap job of it, as I've seen the results in
> manager's hands when I get to the face-to-face.

I wonder if it ever occurs to them that this is technically a violation
of your copyright?

shannon "AT" widomaker.com -- ["Meddle not in the affairs of Wizards, for
thou art crunchy, and taste good with ketchup." -- unknown]

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