[geeks] value of PIII PC servers

velociraptor velociraptor at gmail.com
Fri Jun 23 09:12:27 CDT 2006

On 6/22/06, nate at portents.com <nate at portents.com> wrote:
> While I have no explanation for why this is, I can say from experience
> that Windows 2k/XP seem to set the PATA IDE controller for the hard drive
> channel to PIO mode by default.  On almost every x86 system I set up, one
> of the first things I do is go to the Management Console and go to the IDE
> controller and check the properties for each channel on each controller
> (typically two controllers per motherboard, sometimes four, with up to two
> devices per channel), and make sure they are all set to DMA.
> PIO mode over IDE is simply terrible.  Consumes nearly full CPU doing the
> most mundane things.  And I have no idea why Windows still defaults to it
> so often.

You know, I *knew* this but had forgotten it.  I've not checked to see
how fi the Wintendo defaulted to dummy disk mode when I rebuilt it
after the disk failure.  That could def. explain some things...


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