[geeks] PS/2 Keyboard/mouse 7 VGA over Cat5?

Ian Viemeister sunhelp-geeks at ian.viemeister.com
Sun Mar 12 11:37:02 CST 2006

On Sun, 12 Mar 2006, Lionel Peterson wrote:

> It is a small "dongle" that attaches to computer on one end, KVM on the
> other. I'd prefer a unit that is the reverse (the "transmitter" attaches
> to a KVM/Computer, and the "receiver" attaches to a
> monitor/keyboard/mouse). To use this device, I'd have to have a KVM in
> my upstairs office... All I want is a mouse/keyboard/video extension
> unit.

Like this, you mean?

I've got one of these on my desk at work, with ~50ft of cat5
running to the KVM.  Video quality is fine for "pc server"-console
work (ie: up to 1024x768).  I can't say I've tried running it higher than
that.  It's $150.


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