[geeks] What desk toy or "tchotchke" says "geek" to you?

Phil Stracchino phil.stracchino at speakeasy.net
Tue Mar 28 09:53:30 CST 2006

Sridhar Ayengar wrote:
> I also got the flap operation done.  My eyes were bad enough that the 
> non-flap operation wasn't an option.  I also had it done with the fancy 
> eye-tracking laser with computerized cornea mapping.

The so-called wavefront LASIK?  I understand if you want LASIK and want
the best results, that's the way to go.

 Phil Stracchino                     Landline: 603-886-3518
 phil.stracchino at speakeasy.net         Mobile: 603-216-7037
 Renaissance Man, Unix generalist, Perl hacker, Free Stater

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