[geeks] What desk toy or "tchotchke" says "geek" to you?

Charles Shannon Hendrix shannon at widomaker.com
Wed Mar 29 22:39:17 CST 2006

Wed, 29 Mar 2006 @ 06:37 +0000, Mike Meredith said:

> Oh and I'd like a little evidence to demonstrate that data published in
> Europe is of a lower quality than US data ... and 'it doesn't
> demonstrate what I want' isn't evidence.

I know a lot of cops, and trust their ideas on crime more than people who
never really see it.

Yeah, there are some idiots, but cops in various European and UK cesspools
would beg to differ with the rosy impressions some of their governments like
to leave you with.

> > > This despite their names, locations, and low gun densities all being
> > > totally public information.
> > 
> > The information from Hand-Gun-Control, Inc in the USA is totally
> > public too.
> So if information isn't to your liking it's wrong? Sounds a bit childish
> to me.

Assumptions like yours are childish, yes.

Information that is incorrect, no I don't like that kind.

HCI is well known for its fabrications. Just look at the numbers they give,
and the absolutely idiotic idea they push forward that criminals will
magically obey gun control laws.

shannon "AT" widomaker.com -- [javalin: an unwieldy programming weapon used
to stab a software project through the heart until dead]

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