[geeks] Opinions on the HP C3x00?

nate at portents.com nate at portents.com
Fri Mar 31 15:23:08 CST 2006

> Anything against Alphas?

They've always seemed pretty pricey on the used/hobbyist market, at least
every time I've looked.  That or too big... right now on ebay there's a
AlphaServer GS-140 with 8 x 525Mhz EV6 CPUs, 8GB RAM, 6 18GB drives, etc.
going for $151.80 with 10 minutes to go.  That's more machine than I can

The best deals I've gotten have been workstations friends have given me
(Indy, SS20) or gotten super-cheap at MIT Swapfest, otherwise on ebay the
best bang for the buck I've found in the reasonable-sized workstations
have been the Sun U60 and the HP C3650 (assuming the latter works out for

- Nate

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