[geeks] Proxy question

Nick B. nick at pelagiris.org
Thu May 4 22:32:59 CDT 2006

There is a reverse proxy module for apache that should be able to do that.
On Thu, May 04, 2006 at 11:07:17PM -0400, Phil Stracchino wrote:
> I'm looking for inspiration here for ways to solve a problem I haven't
> had to try to solve before.
> Suppose you have a domain, bar.net, with a single externally visible
> host and IP (call it bastion.bar.net).  You also have a virtualhost
> elsewhere, at foo.org, which can be (but has not yet been) set up to
> answer to www.bar.net.  You don't wish to replicate all your content
> onto foo.org, but rather you want all traffic received by foo.org for
> www.bar.net:80 to be transparently proxied to bastion.bar.net:81, and
> traffic for www.bar.net:443 proxied to bastion.bar.net:444.  You can't
> simply use bastion.bar.net:80/443 because they're blocked by bar.net's
> ISP; bastion.bar.net will BINAT them to the *real* www.bar.net's ports
> 80 and 443.
> foo.org is running Apache2.  bar.net is running Apache 1.3.
> How would you do it?
> -- 
>  Phil Stracchino                     Landline: 603-886-3518
>  phil.stracchino at speakeasy.net         Mobile: 603-216-7037
>  Renaissance Man, Unix generalist, Perl hacker, Free Stater
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