[geeks] USB ethernet on a Mac?

nate at portents.com nate at portents.com
Fri May 12 17:52:50 CDT 2006

> On 5/12/06, Bill Bradford <mrbill at mrbill.net> wrote:
>> Anybody know of a cheap/affordable USB ethernet adapter (10megabit is
>> fine)
>> that works on a Macintosh?
> Do you mean wired or wireless?  If the latter, I looked for one about
> a year ago, and didn't find one that would work.

There are now a few USB WiFi devices that have Mac drivers and they don't
cost too much, like the Asus WL-167g for $33:


Drivers for OS X only, and I wouldn't expect the same polish or level of
integration that you get with Apple's Airport cards and drivers.  They
should come on the CD, and you can download the Mac drivers from here
(Linux, too):


(I've only tried this device in Windows, not sure how good the drivers are
for the Mac or Linux, but I bought it so I could use it on more than one
OS potentially.)

If on the other hand you mean USB wired ethernet, well that's a good
question, I've never actually looked for such a thing.  Is the on-board
ethernet non-functional?

- Nate

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