[geeks] can't wait for Vista

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Tue Nov 7 12:17:15 CST 2006

On Tue, Nov 07, 2006 at 07:58:38PM +0200, Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:
>The Current Communications (Google) system does this by turning off usage of a 
> specific freqeuncy. If someone complains, they turn it off. 

And what's wrong with that?  The interference goes away when they stop
using a certain frequency, no?

> In Austrialia, a test was conducted near a coastal radio station and it
> prevented ships from communicating with it. 

A *test*.  Obbivously the test didn't go well.  Was the test discontinued
once it was shown that it interfered with the coastal station?

> > (I'm a ham myself, K5WCB, but your "GOOGLE EVIL!  BPL EVIL!  YARRRGH!" 
> >  stuff gets tiring after a while... )
> QRZ no longer shows the difference between technicians with HF privledges 
> and those without. Have you been on HF recently? Ever?

What does that have to do with the discussion?  I pointed out that I have
an amateur radio license to show that I view the issue from both sides.

I'm not denying that yes, BPL can cause interference.  However, I've not
seen any evidence that there have been any permanent (non-test) BPL setups
that continued spewing interference willy-nilly into the environment 
around them once the interference was documented, or that people running 
said TEST rollouts (note the word TEST) didn't care about any interference
they caused.

I suppose you hate spark-gap transmitters, too. 8-)


Bill Bradford 
Houston, Texas

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