[geeks] Bad monster. No donut.

Phil Stracchino phil.stracchino at speakeasy.net
Thu Nov 9 14:49:58 CST 2006

velociraptor wrote:
> If you're not getting hits on your resume, IMO, you are either a)
> someplace that has no demand for what you are pimping, b) you have
> some "negative" in your background which makes you a perceived risk,
> or c) your resume is turning off eyeballs because of poor
> content/design.  "a" can't be fixed without a relocation, or pimping
> some other skillset.  "b" can be mitigated somewhat by the judicious
> application of the same resources you use to resolve "c"--hiring a
> professional resume writer.  Just like you'd hire an expert to rebuild
> your vehicle engine if you don't have wrenching expertise, or would
> hire a roofer or other $skilled_trade, hire an expert to (re)craft
> your resume if you don't have the chops, or get out there and learn.
> There is nothing wrong about admitting you don't have a certain
> skillset and hiring an expert, or finding out what it takes to get
> that skillset yourself.

I freely admit my resume-writing skills and job-hunting skills suck.  I
don't have the mental mindset to fully grasp when something is good to
put on a resume and when it's something you should never admit to a
recruiter.  The general idea, I get.  The nuances escape me.  I get
plenty of advice, but half of it is contradictory and I can't resolve
it.  (I suspect both of these are parts of the whole Asperger's landscape.)

However, I *also* simply don't have several thousand dollars lying
around spare that I can give to a "get me hired" professional and say
"Here, this is what I know, write me a resume and find me a job doing
what I know or can learn."

It's not like I haven't had professional hitters batting for me ...
there was a guy in CT who put a lot of work into trying to get me hired
at UBS Warburg.  And we thought it was going well, until suddenly they
just stopped talking to *anyone*.

 Same geek, same site, new location
 Phil Stracchino                     Landline: 603-429-0220
 phil.stracchino at speakeasy.net         Mobile: 603-216-7037
 Renaissance Man, Unix generalist, Perl hacker, Free Stater

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