[geeks] Java as a first language

Phil Stracchino phil.stracchino at speakeasy.net
Fri Nov 10 21:20:20 CST 2006

Robert Brooke Gravitt wrote:
> The worst, and I mean WORST programmers seem to evenly divided  
> between Visual Basic "developers" and Java developers. Some concepts  
> used in OO development (orthogonality, data abstraction,  
> polymorphism, etc) seem to be lost on them, and memory management is  
> lost ESPECIALLY on the Java side. GC is like magic to them. We have  
> to recycle apps daily because some geniuses can't figure out how to  
> manage their damn objects.
> Learning to deal with malloc() and dealloc() will take you far.  
> Memory management & confusing procedural -vs- OOP are my top two pet  
> peeves when doing code reviews. That, and meaningless variable names.  
> We actually got this from a bug sent offshore to be fixed:
> StringBuffer shiva = new StringBuffer(vishnu.toString());
> I know who these two are from comparative religion class,  but how  
> the hell am I supposed to know what this variable is used for?


> I picked up Obj-C quickly, but then I already knew C pretty well.  
> Java is easy if you understand OOP.

Actually, I keep meaning to get around to learning the D Programming
Language, whose design goal was "A C-based object-oriented programming
language, done RIGHT."

 Same geek, same site, new location
 Phil Stracchino                     Landline: 603-429-0220
 phil.stracchino at speakeasy.net         Mobile: 603-216-7037
 Renaissance Man, Unix generalist, Perl hacker, Free Stater

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