[geeks] Java as a first language

Andy Wallis rawallis at panix.com
Sat Nov 11 12:13:10 CST 2006

On Nov 11, 2006, at 9:27 AM, velociraptor wrote:
> On 11/10/06, Robert Brooke Gravitt <gravitt at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Every time someone achieves Java enlightenment,
>> the oldest of the 5 must be killed.
> Which Star Wars episode are we in?

No, we are in White Wolf's World of Darkness role-playing campaign  
where all the kids are angsty whiners and drama queens with a dice  
fetch. The Java enlightened souls have to be Salubri, because the  
younger vampires have to consume their sires. This keeps the clan  
remnants small.
-Andy Wallis

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