[geeks] I just saw...

Charles Shannon Hendrix shannon at widomaker.com
Sat Nov 11 13:31:28 CST 2006

Wed, 08 Nov 2006 @ 17:07 -0500, Patrick Giagnocavo said:

> On Nov 8, 2006, at 4:55 PM, Brooke Gravitt wrote:
> > (John Lewis)  "On November 7th we face the most dangerous situation we
> > ever have.  If you think fighting off dogs and water hoses in the
> > sixties was bad, imagine if we sit idly by and let the right-wing
> > Republicans take control of the Fulton County Commission."

Comment: isn't "right wing republican" redundant?

You know, like calling Hillarious Clinton a "left wing liberal"?

> President Lincoln - Republican.
> 1964 Civil Rights Act - passed by Republican.  Prominent Democrats at 
> the time voted against it.
> First Black US Senator - a Republican.  In 1870.
> etc. etc.
> This is why as the K-12 US education system declines, more Demogogues 
> ^H^H^H^H^H crats are able to get away with outrageous statements.

The de-education is pretty rampant.

Some others of note:

Only 30% of the colonials supported the rebellion in America.

Abraham Lincoln was a white supremist.

Andrew Jackson was the last US president to oppose fiat monetary policy.

Abraham Lincoln did not grow up in a log cabin, the one that is called
his home really isn't his home. He never even saw it.

George Washington used to meet heads of state on a raised dais like a
king (which angered some of his peers quite a bit).

George Washington was not the first President of the United States.

The United States was not formed in 1776 or 1789 (though we do consider
ourselves to have become a nation in 1776).

Those last two are related: do any of you know why?

The "American Revolutionary War" did not start in 1776, it started in
1775.  You could argue it started even earlier.

The "Declaration of Independence" was not made on July 4th, it was July

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