[geeks] KVM dilemma...

Michael Parson mparson at bl.org
Mon Nov 27 13:49:54 CST 2006

On Mon, Nov 27, 2006 at 01:37:24PM -0600, Mike Hebel wrote:
> Thus spake Dan Duncan:
>> On Mon, 27 Nov 2006, Mike Hebel wrote:
>>> I'm finally starting to get systems set up at home in my office and I
>>> would like to use a KVM but I only have a PS/2 one.  The problem?
>> If you're willing to add a second monitor, you could try something
>> like Synergy (http://synergy2.sourceforge.net/) and have one KVM
>> for USB and one for PS/2 or a single monitor and chain the KVMs
>> together with an adapter.  You'd have to hit 2 buttons (one on
>> each KVM) for some servers but they can be cheap KVMs.
>> KVM1 inputs:  server1 server2 server3 KVM2
>> KVM2 inputs:  server4 server5 server6 server7
>> If you get the same brand and model of KVM, some of them are
>> designed to be chained together and you can use a single kb
>> select sequence to address any host.
> I've seen synergy in action and in theory it might solve my problem but
> that means I need to add yet another system to host it.  Not desirable as
> this is a tiny office and heat is currently an issue as well as space.

Whichever box has the keyboard & mouse on it would be the synergy
server, don't need a seperate box for that.

> Besides, the Frankenmac is OS 9.2 and Synergy doesn't support that.

That is a limitation.

How about Timbuktu?

Michael Parson
mparson at bl.org

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