[geeks] No drives for you!

sammy ominsky s at avoidant.org
Wed Oct 11 16:49:22 CDT 2006

On 11/10/2006, at 23:44, Mike Hebel wrote:

> Oh and if you used PayPal make sure you call them to expedite getting
> the money back in your account.
> The guy I talked to, Randy, sounded surprised that an order taken with
> PayPal would be pre-paid.  So it's quite possible they could take time
> getting your money back to you if you don't ping them on it.

It has to wait until the auth is cancelled or expires.  The order is  
not actually pre-paid, but authorized for the amount of the purchase  
and the money held by paypal as if it had been paid.  When the  
transaction expires (usually about 10 day) the money will reappear in  
your account.

I've never had a merchant cancel an auth, no matter how I try to  
convince them they should.  They just let them expire, and you live  
without that money for a week and a half.

has a LOT of experience with this.

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