[geeks] Blackberry 7100t questions

Dan Duncan dand at pcisys.net
Fri Oct 13 12:20:21 CDT 2006

I've beaten my current cellphone (SonyEricsson P800) nearly to death after 3 years
(It still works perfectly but I've broken my last stylus and I'm due for another
battery again) and I'm thinking about changing.  I have the opportunity to
get a Blackberry 7100t cheaply and my GSM SIM card should just move right over.
I've never owned a crackberry.  Is the 7100t a decent one?  There seems to be
a lot of add-on software available, which I definitely like.  How does it do
as far as syncing and with which OSes?  (My wife is an OS X user and might
also like one)  There seem to be telnet and ssh apps for it as well, which
would be nice if they're usable.  (Ssh on my Sidekick was never stable enough
to be useful)  Any thoughts?


#  Dan Duncan (kd4igw)  dand at pcisys.net  http://pcisys.net/~dand
# I guess we were all guilty, in a way. We all shot him, we all skinned him,
# and we all got a complimentary bumper sticker that said, "I helped skin Bob."
#                  -DEEP THOUGHTS

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