[geeks] Solar Panels on residence - anyone?

Mike Hebel nimitz at nimitzbrood.com
Thu Oct 19 07:12:23 CDT 2006

Thus spake James Fogg:
>> In short, they mount a huge array of photovoltaic cells on
>> the roof, and install some elaborate electronics to manage
>> the flow of electricity into the house (or back on to the
>> power grid for a rebate?).
>> http://www.njcep.com/ - NJ Clean Energy Program website
>> http://www.advancedsolarproducts.com/ - a local vendor, they
>> have pics of some local installs...
> That would solve two problems for me. I need a new roof and I need
> cheaper power.

I've been long thinking of building our first home instead of buying one -
in this case the concrete monolithic domes.

What just came to mind was "Why can't I use the flexible solar cells and
cover the concrete domes with them completely?".

I wonder what kind of power that would generate...

Mike Hebel
"For space is wide and good friends are too few!" - Leslie Fish, "Sam Jones"

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