[geeks] what's a good soldering iron

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Sun Oct 29 18:34:05 CST 2006

On Sun, Oct 29, 2006 at 05:42:44PM -0500, Kevin wrote:
> I'm not looking for anything crazy, just a decent iron.  I don't
> want to go much over $120 or so.  I'm hoping i can get something
> usable for that price, let me know if i'm wrong.
> I mostly just solder wires and a few simple ICs (car parts) as
> well as the occasional Indigo battery fix.  Stuff like that.
> What do you guys recommend?

Weller WTCPT.  I got mine for $20 off eBay, then spent another $20 on



Bill Bradford 
Houston, Texas

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