[geeks] I love it when software gets more efficient

Nick B. nick at pelagiris.org
Sat Sep 9 14:14:12 CDT 2006

So, since you know so vastly much more than anyone working on mozilla, why have
you not released your personal browser which only uses 64k?
On Thu, Sep 07, 2006 at 09:39:05PM -0400, Charles Shannon Hendrix wrote:
> Awhile back the Mozilla project made a lot of noise about Firefox and
> Thunderbird, wanting everyone to switch.
> One of the big benefits was to be that as separate applications they
> would be more memory efficient.
> Now that I've used Firefox and Thunderbird for a couple of years, this
> is what I observe:
> Mozilla Suite used about 120MB total when I last used it in 2004.
> Today I checked Firefox and Thunderbird after they'd been running about
> 10 hours.
> Firefox was using 220MB, and Thunderbird was using 280MB.
> I sure am glad they've been made more efficient... :/
> Does everyone else see numbers like this?  Surely these are memory
> leaks?
> I've tried Firefox with and without plugins, and there isn't much
> difference.
> Firefox also has no user control of memory cache any more, so I don't
> know how to tell what is memory leaking and what is cached.
> Same for Thunderbird.
> -- 
> shannon "AT" widomaker.com -- [There is a limit to how stupid people really
> are -- just as there's a limit to the amount of hydrogen in the Universe. 
> There's a lot, but there's a limit.  -- Dave C. Barber on a.f.c.  ]
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