[geeks] Personal Finance Software

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Thu Apr 5 20:39:28 CDT 2007

Robert Brooke Gravitt wrote:
> Moneydance?

Hmm.  I've never seen that before.  It looks interesting.  I'll give it 
a try.

> I've bought it and QuickBooks/Quicken, and found that I didn't like  
> any of them.

Quicken is just sort of "ok".  Kinda.  Almost.

> The wife and I just ended up using the account aggregation features  
> over at Yodlee (www.yodlee.com; https://moneycenter.yodlee.com/ 
> moneycenter/registration.moneycenter.do)

I was checking out their website.  I don't think it's the Right Thing (tm).

> I worked at a company where we wrote cash management software for the  
> "big banks" BofA, Suntrust, WaMu, etc & 1000s of credit unions. Most  
> use Yodlee for the some parts of their customer banking sites.
> It's free, and might be what you're looking for.

I don't really want something that requires the network.  I'd rather 
just use something local.  That way, I can keep that machine purposely 
off the network for security purposes.

Peace...  Sridhar

>> Right now, I keep track of my personal finances through a giant custom
>> spreadsheet, but it's starting to get a bit, let's say, *unwieldy*.
>> Does anyone know of any personal finance software for any of the Open
>> Source OSes?  If the software is also Open Source, more the better.
>> Thanks.

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