[geeks] Debian 4.0 Bittorrent for DVD

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at verizon.net
Mon Apr 9 08:27:54 CDT 2007

>From: Mike Hebel <nimitz at nimitzbrood.com>
>Date: 2007/04/09 Mon AM 07:06:38 CDT
>To: The Geeks List <geeks at sunhelp.org>
>Subject: Re: [geeks] Debian 4.0 Bittorrent for DVD

>In a fit of angst Lionel Peterson gargled the following:

>> Seriously though, I just wanted to play with "real" Debian, not a
>> derivative, what amazed me was there was no direction like "just download
>> the first DVD for an install, and the software on the others can be
>> downloaded if needed/desired"...
>CheapBytes is your friend:

No 4.0 DVD/CDs available there yet - it was just released Sunday (after 2 years of waiting, IIRC)...


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