[geeks] New Tech Schools: Digital Harbor in Baltimore

Mike Hebel nimitz at nimitzbrood.com
Fri Apr 13 10:26:46 CDT 2007

In a fit of angst Bill Bradford gargled the following:
> On Fri, Apr 13, 2007 at 09:12:40AM -0500, Mike Hebel wrote:
>> I'm still reminded of the old SciFi story that I can't recall the
>> name/author of at the moment.  In it everybody was handicapped to the
>> point of being equal.  The main character of the story for instance had
>> an
>> earpiece that made loud random noises into his ear so he couldn't use
>> his
>> higher-than-average intelligence to be better than anyone else.
> Kornbluth's "The Marching Morons", perhaps?
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Marching_Morons
> (god I read wayyyy too much sci-fi...)

Not unless what I read was a shorter part of that.

I particularly remember it because in the end there is a pair of ballet
dancers that are attached to ball and chain. And they throw off the chains
and find that they start floating in the air while dancing.  The sherrif
comes in and shoots them down and is proud of the fact that she's stopped
things before they got out of hand.

Damn my memory is fuzzy...

Mike Hebel
See with eyes unclouded, Think with mind uncluttered, Act with heart

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