[geeks] Vonage alternative?

James Fogg James at jdfogg.com
Tue Apr 17 07:24:48 CDT 2007

> I was happy to wave goodbye to my local telco about a year
> ago but I recently had to go crawling back because my
> recently-acquired-by-comcast cable company jacked up the
> price for internet-only service by over 25% and sent me a
> letter the day AFTER the rate change took effect telling me
> that.  I'm now on DSL without a voice line (naked DSL) so
> adding voice service is an option that would probably stack
> up decently against a VOIP service.

I'm a former Adelphia customer who was consumed by Comcrap. Adelphia
rates were outrageous, so no increase for me. Unfortunately, Comcrap is
at war with Vonage and joyfully whack my Vonage connection at will.
Comcrap wants to muscle customers into buying their VoIP.

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