[geeks] Race Tracks

Charles Shannon Hendrix shannon at widomaker.com
Mon Apr 23 12:04:50 CDT 2007

Sun, 22 Apr 2007 @ 21:30 +0300, sammy ominsky said:

> On 22/04/2007, at 20:30, Charles Shannon Hendrix wrote:
> > Oh, yes, I've seen people lane split with cars.

> I've had it done to me, on my bike. I was sitting at a stoplight
> (behind a car, as it happens), and slightly off to the right side of
> the lane instead of centered. A woman in a tiny little Fiat or SUbaru
> or something figured there was enough room and pulled in next to me.
> For some reason my left foot was turned out perpendicular to my bike
> rather than parallel, and she pulled right *ONTO* my foot and stopped.
> Her windows were closed so she couldn't hear me yelling, and ignored
> me banging on her car, probably figuring I was upset, but wasn't going
> to respond.

I've met plenty of drivers who were so completely unaware of their
surroundings that they have hit things and didn't notice.

I saw a woman on cell phone in a gigantic GMC "SUV" tear a phone off
the wall of a small store and keep right on going.  She was totally
oblivious to the outside world.

Maybe you met one of those.

> city) after she turned the corner.  I couldn't though.  As soon as I  
> got off my bike she smashed into a truck and totaled her car.  I know  
> it was wrong of me, but I just stood there laughing.  Happily my foot  
> was fine.

Actually, I understand the feeling.

shannon           | Work for something because it is good, not just because 
                  | it stands a chance to succeed. 
                  |        -- Vaclav Havel

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