[geeks] The prices on PCs still amaze me...

Lionel Peterson lionel4287 at verizon.net
Wed Aug 1 11:42:41 CDT 2007

Just an interesting factoid...

Dell has a special on their Dimension 9200 spec'd as follows for $649:

Intel Core 2 Quad CPU (4x 2.4 GHz, 8 Meg shared cache) on 1066 MHz FSB
2 Gig of DDR2-667 RAM (with two more slots open, max of 4 Gig RAM)
80 Gig SATA HD
DVD-R/W, double layer
nVidea GeForce 8300 GS
Vista "Home"
No Monitor, but includes USB keyboard/mouse


You have to "lie" and say you'll buy a big monitor on another page (but don't - that's the lie) and the Quad Core upgrade is $190.

That is a heck of a system for very little cash - I ordered one, and after I add another 2 Gigs of RAM for another $100 I'll be in great shape to play with many virtual machines (all sharing 4 CPU cores ;^)

The graphics can be upgraded (the case/PS support big, beefy video upgrades, when the time comes), but are pretty reasonable as supplied (for my needs, anyway)
Just amazing to me, thought I'd share...

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