[geeks] Discuss this quote...

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Tue Aug 28 08:55:32 CDT 2007

Geoffrey S. Mendelson wrote:
>> Myself, ever since hearing about them crazy hippies in California,  
>> I've always wanted to do a colocation cooperative. Allow people a  
>> place to actually use their machines - big iron or 1U - and build a  
>> community around it. I think it would be especially neat to have our  
>> own building so that people could have physical access, and so that  
>> we could have different rooms for different purposes, like
> That sounds good and California is a good place to do it. Lots of
> people with both the interest and the disposable income to fund it.
> You might even be able to get a foundation to fund it.

If there was one in New York, I would volunteer, donate and participate.

Peace...  Sridhar

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