[geeks] Global Warming causes...

Dr Robert Pasken rpasken at eas.slu.edu
Sat Dec 1 11:14:02 CST 2007

On Fri, 30 Nov 2007, hike wrote:

> What utterly amazes me is that our human activities is causing the same
> scale of warming on  Mars!
> We are indeed wicked and destructive people!
> In spite of the cooling trend that scientists are now telling us about, we
> are destroying the earth and our neighbor, the planet Mars.
> We are very hateful indeed!
> But as implied above and validated by scientists (in reports published this
> week that just by looking at the universe [stars, planets, space, dark
> matter, comets, etc.], we are drastically cutting the life expectancy by
> millions of years.
> Our reach exceeds our physical grasp.
> We are very, very bad people!

If Mars had the same warming trends as the earth it indeed would be
remarkable. If scientists said that there was a cooling trend in the past
it would indeed be remarkable. Unfortunately neither is true, unless you
wear a tinfoil hat and think that Newsweek and Time are scientific

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