[geeks] Finally got my new pc working

Michael C. Vergallen mvergall at telenet.be
Sat Dec 1 20:47:02 CST 2007

Damn it's been a pain to get a sub 400 euro ( aprox 600 USD) PC that was 
capable of running Linux  &  VMware . e.i one with enough ram & CPU 
power...because those cheap motherboards are a pain ( I ended up getting 
3 boards and of them only one was functioning).

The system consists  of  a:

- X-gear  case
-  AMD  4400 Mhz dual core cpu
- 3 Gb dual channel of ram ( Soon to be 4 GB just my suplier was a bit 
slow on comming up with the 4th GB)
- 160 Gb WD SATA HD
- 2 DVD-RW drives ( I like having 2 of them because it allows to 
dedicate one for use under VMWare and have another to play with under 
linux also I burn a lot of dvd's with films I have to edit)
- Nvidia GX8600 card 512 MB Ram

This system makes a nice little workstation. However I'm still wondering 
why those vendors don't test their motherboards a little more...


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