[geeks] Global Warming causes...

Mark md.benson at gmail.com
Mon Dec 3 13:32:27 CST 2007

This planet's climate has been staggering back and forth between  
freeze and cook for Billions of years. It's been frozen solid and been  
deserted as far north as Scotland. Human-kind's ancestors have seen  
the earth go through ice-ages and periods where global temperatures  
were much higher (relatively) than what we have now. More recently,  
Roman Britain was hot enough to have miles of vineyards making fine  
wines and, in contrast, during the 17th and 18th the Thames river used  
to freeze right through London during the winter.

Man kind have undoubtedly effected the global climate, however all I  
think we have done is mildly accelerated something that was inevitably  
going to happen anyway. It will cause problems for all of mankind, and  
we must adapt. I don't want to disparage anyone from cutting CO2  
emissions. or making industry, transport and homes (or anything else!)  
environmentally sound, because it all helps others areas of our planet  
we are killing. Global warming however is not the biggest problem we  
have IMHO, I think war, famine, pollution, stress and poor health all  
stand to cause us much more harm, especially in the longer term.

*Puts on fireproof suit*

Mark Benson

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