[geeks] FYI: Problems with Quad COre Opterons reported

Jonathan Katz jon at jonworld.com
Wed Dec 5 08:14:17 CST 2007

I remember the pipelining errors in the early 750Mhz UltraSparc IIIs
that would cause some kind fo fp corruption. The fix was to disable
some of the pipelining, hurting performance, but giving solid math
results. Sounds like the same kind of thing.

On 12/5/07, Lionel Peterson <lionel4287 at verizon.net> wrote:
> Thought some here might be interested, it apears there is a problem with the new
> Quad Core Opterons - problems serious enough for AMD to stop shipping them until
> the problems are solved. There appears to be a BIOS-based work-around, but it
> causes a serious performance hit (up to 20% reduction in speed):
> http://techreport.com/discussions.x/13721

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