[geeks] Questionable Voltage

Sridhar Ayengar ploopster at gmail.com
Wed Dec 5 09:31:02 CST 2007

Patrick Giagnocavo wrote:
>> My house is pretty old.  Mostly ungrounded outlets, but there are a
>> smattering of grounded ones around.
> I have no idea of the "probability" that your wiring is no good,  
> however, someone I work with recently had his house burn down (total  
> writeoff) due to a bad power strip - even though it had worked for  
> many years and was a good quality metal one.
> If you are going to be pulling those kinds of electrical loads-- 
> though I am not an electrician--I suggest you bite the bullet and get  
> rid of *all* the old crap just to be sure.

Yeah.  I'd like to, but I don't think I can afford to right now.  I'll 
start with the spots where it would be a real problem and work my way 
around, I think.  The office and machine room first.  The machine room 
will be easy.  There's just a couple layers of floorboards between it 
and the panel.  The office is more than one floor away.  It's going to 
be interesting.

Peace...  Sridhar

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