[geeks] [rescue] Flakey E220r - advice sought...

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Thu Feb 22 11:44:32 CST 2007

On Thu, Feb 22, 2007 at 10:33:19AM -0500, Jeff Cole wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 22, 2007 at 12:47:36AM -0600, Bill Bradford wrote:
> > I may feel different in the morning, but right now I've got the urge to call
> > my colo provider when I'm done moving to the T1000 and tell them to haul
> > the 420R out back and toss it in the dumpster.
> That's a perfectly good waste of a boat anchor or shotgun target....

Oh, I'm not going to throw it away.  That was the anger talking.

A friend of the (planned) next owner of the system butted in where he
shouldnt have, made (uninformed) snarky comments, and pissed me off

Unless the guy that originally wanted the system can convince me that I
should still give him the box,  I'll be contacting another friend who was
interested and knows someone that can pick the system up locally in Austin.


Bill Bradford 
Houston, Texas

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